Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions are in place here at the www.apexbettingsites.com website, and as such you are encouraged to read through this section of our website to familiarise yourself with each of them. Your continued use of this website will be taken as your agreement with the terms and conditions, and that you are happy to be bound by each of them.


At no time are you permitted to reproduce any of the written content, the images or the layout of this website and are not allowed to reuse the logo of this site, unless you have first been given our full approval to do so.

Legal Liability

This website is first and foremost a news and information website, and whilst great care is given in ensuring all of the news stories and articles and betting guides are accurate and error free that cannot be guaranteed, and we cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions found on this website.

No gambling of any shape or form can occur on this website, however with many of the articles and news stories found on this website being gambling related you should always keep in mind that if you do decide to gamble then there is the very real risk that you could lose when doing so.

Much like all other websites we do take great care to ensure our systems and servers are free from viruses, malware but we cannot be held responsible should any be found on this site. At no time can we held responsible for anything that is beyond out direct control, which includes any losses you may incur when gambling.

Third Party Websites

You will find links to third party websites throughout this site, as we may feel those sites will be of interest to you, but do be aware that each of them will have their own terms of use and privacy policies which you should familiarise yourself with.

We cannot be held responsible for any images, content or services offered by those third-party websites.

Any offers, deals or promotional offers including sign up bonuses that you see showcased throughout this website are subject to change at any time, and you should double check to see if they are still available and valid on the respective website they refer to.

Also be aware any odds you see quoted for any sporting event are also subject to change at any time too, and once again you should check to see if they are available if you are interested in placing a bet of any type, as the odds may have increased or decreased in value.


We do have our own unique privacy policy in place on this website and you should check that policy to discover the steps we take to ensure that your personal information is protected the best we can when using this website.

Legal Minimum Age to Gamble

In the UK the minimum legal age to gamble is 18, however each country of the world is going to have its own laws and regulations regarding gambling, and you should be the minimum legal age to gamble in the country you reside in to use this website.

Any bookmakers, sportsbooks, betting sites and betting apps mentioned and showcased upon this website will also have their own unique rules regarding just what age as a minimum you need to be to use their services, so please do check to see if you are old enough to gamble ay any site or app before singing up to utilize their betting services.


Cookies are in use throughout this website, and to help you learn more about why and how we use them to enhance your website visiting experience, we have put together our own cookies policy that you are encouraged to read through by following the respective link.

Responsible Gambling

You need to ensure that you are always in full control of your gambling activates and only gamble with money that you are prepared to lose and can afford to lose too.

If you feel that you are experience any type of gambling related problems, please refer to our Responsible Gambling section of this website to find out what help and support is available to you.

Any changes made to this Terms and Conditions will be timestamped below.

The www.apexbettingsites.com Terms and Conditions were last updated on the 26th of June 2019